Online Peer-Support Groups

The Dementia Carers' Collaborative 

The Dementia Carers' Collaborative is a new initiative. 

It is aimed at providing carers with the opportunity to socialise with people who, being (or having been), in a situation similar to their own) will understand what they are going through. 

At present, we are running a (weekly) peer-support groups for those who care for a parent  with dementia, and we are planning to start at least two more groups - one of which will be reserved for those who care for a spouse or partner. 

All meetings start with a check-in round, giving everyone the opportunity to share 'where they are at' (if they so wish), and connect with each other in the 'here and now'. Participants can then engage in a facilitated discussions about topics of their choice. 

All carers will be welcomed to attend regardless of their knowledge about dementia, and of how long they have been caring for. However, each group will include no more than 5 participants, to enable every voice to be heard, and to ensure that difficult emotions can be contained safely. 

No topics will be off-limits, and a list of what these could include is on our 'common issues' page. Please note that joining this group involves committing to keeping all information shared by members confidential. This means that we will respect each other's privacy and not speak about what people share in the group with others outside the group.

If you would like to join the existing group, or to help form a new one, please get in touch. Alternatively, please fill-in our 'expression of interest form', and we will get back to you.